The feature is currently in beta and actively being developed.

Larasonic provides subscription functionality powered by Laravel Cashier and Stripe.

For more info, visit: Laravel Cashier

⚙️ Configuration

Subscriptions are configured in config/subscription.php:

  'plan' => 'Larasonic Basic 🚀',
  'description' => 'The best plan for individuals who want to explore demo subscription.',
  'price_id' => 'price_1QTQldHNOPjoTPj1vVHORPs9', // price id from stripe
  'price' => 5,
  'features' => [
    'Example Basic Feature 1',
    'Example Basic Feature 2',
    'Example Basic Feature 3',
    'Example Basic Feature 4',
    'Example Basic Feature 5',
    'Example Basic Feature 6',

🎮 Demo Implementation

The larasonic demo showcases subscription-gated features - for example, the chat functionality is only available to users subscribed to the Pro plan.

🗺️ Roadmap

Subscription functionality is actively being developed. Check the project roadmap for upcoming features and changes.

⚠️ Current Limitations

  • Only Stripe is supported as a payment provider
  • Limited to basic subscription plans
  • Beta functionality subject to changes